Transform Your Recycling: Top Tips for Creating Smarter Sorting Bins

sorting waste in Charleston

Solutions are rare to improve the quality of waste sorting, unlike those to increase the quantity sorted. Without a paradigm shift, it seems difficult to reduce sorting refusals to improve sorting quality. To remove these packaging and graphic papers from landfill or incineration, it is necessary to change the focus on sorting errors to move away from the solutions currently proposed.

The design of waste bins elsewhere in the world (Brussels, Japan, Laos, etc.) is much better thought out for sorting than for our famous trash cans of South Carolina.

The heuristic solution presented below is a mixture of social sciences and devices seen here and there in the world. It calls into question the hackneyed discourse according to which sorting errors are only the errors of others. Despite this potential new tool, the majority of us have already made and will make sorting errors for various reasons. As the saying goes, to err is human, but the error here probably lies elsewhere, with the designer.

Although the annihilation of sorting errors seems unattainable, it appears plausible to reduce them via a redesign of the cover by improving its salience, its affordance and its communication. The sorter no longer has to look for sorting instructions, on a piece of packaging, on a sorting memo, on a sticker, it must be imposed on it. For Example think of the invention of a protruding sorting bin, afforded, without risk of reactance and revised in terms of communication on sorting instructions.

Scientific waste management

Scientific data enlightens us and serves to support the point that we need to make better sorting bins. Several data can be used here to try to reduce the gap between current scientific knowledge and its non-implementation in the professional practice of the structures concerned by the waste sorting users (communities, unions, companies, etc.).

Someone could have launched and developed an activity to produce and manufacture these lids, and perhaps make this activity an incredible windfall! The market for producers and suppliers of wheeled waste bins is an oligopolistic market therefore held by a few players. The barriers to entry into this market seem high (investment in molds to shape the lids, manufacturing according to precise standards, etc.).

But it is better to make a sorting container invention known to as many people as possible to try to stem sorting errors whose economic and environmental consequences are harmful. And it’s not by developing this alone in your corner that it will spread, even if it means that the invention is recovered with ingratitude. This new waste management invention has a high probability of working.

According to waste experts at Dumpster Rental HQ, Charleston SC, nothing beats testing and experimentation in real conditions with scientific methodology. For this, it is necessary for those interested in this new solution to take a few risks. The investment a priori does not seem financially insurmountable, and the return on investment could be achieved quickly if successful. It goes without saying that what is proposed here is not a miracle waste solution, it is an additional solution to a range of actions already at work or to be invented, to be improved (regulations, taxation, training, awareness. ..). The biggest risk would a priori be not trying.

This type of junk disposal invention will find a buyer and that it will be able to improve the quality of sorting in the USA and elsewhere, without having too much harm to reducing the weight of the waste that we produce (sorting for recycling and prevention are contradictory when well even some are convinced that they are complementary).

We must listen to everyone to be able to better understand these waste management problems and solve them, in this case those of the daily sorters. Ignoring the individual can be a form of social violence. We must prevent the risk of the attitude of the knower, which is not to listen, not to let the other express themselves and not to assume that the other can have an idea. But first of all, we must learn how to reduce our waste creation!

Simple effective tips to reduce waste on a daily basis

forest near Jackson, MS

Why reduce your waste

Waste production is a major issue for our planet. Every year, millions of tons of waste are produced in Mississippi and elsewhere in the United States, contributing to air, water and soil pollution. Waste management represents a significant cost for communities and taxpayers, and this cost keeps on increasing. Reducing our waste production is thus essential to preserve the environment of Mississippi as well as our health, but it can also save us money.

Tips for reducing your daily waste

There are many simple and easy tips to reduce your daily waste. Here are a few :

1. Favor bulk products

By purchasing products in bulk, you avoid unnecessary packaging. It is possible to find bulk stores for food products, but also for hygiene and cleaning products. Cloth bags or reusable containers are also practical for transporting your purchases.

2. Use reusable bags

Plastic bags are one of the main pollutants on our planet. To avoid them, fabric or canvas bags are excellent alternatives. they are suitable to do your shopping, put away your belongings or even carry your lunch. These reusable bags are more resistant and more environmentally friendly.

3. Prefer sustainable products

Instead of buying disposable products, choose durable and reusable products. For example, use a stainless steel bottle rather than plastic bottles, cloth tissues rather than paper tissues, or washable makeup remover wipes rather than disposable cotton pads.

4. Make your own compost

Composting is a simple and effective way to reduce organic waste by recycling. By composting your kitchen and garden waste on a daily basis, you will get a free natural fertilizer for your plants and vegetables, while reducing the waste that goes into the trash, and ultimately into the local landfills of Mississippi by dumpster rentals.

5. Limit printing and photocopying

Excessive use of paper is one of the main sources of waste in offices. By limiting printing and photocopying, you reduce paper consumption while helping to preserve forests.

The benefits of reducing waste

In addition to preserving the environment, reducing daily waste has many advantages:

Save money: by limiting your consumption and opting for sustainable products, you reduce your expenses.

Limit pollution: by producing less waste and dumpster rentals, you contribute to reducing air, water and soil pollution.

Preserve natural resources: by reducing your consumption, you limit the exploitation of natural resources.

Adopt a healthier lifestyle: by favoring natural products and limiting packaging, you reduce your exposure to toxic substances.

In summary, the tip Benefits are: favor bulk products, reduction of packaging, savings, use reusable bags and limit pollution. Prefer sustainable products to reduce waste reduction. Make your own compost tp reduce of organic waste and get Natural fertilizer for your plants. Limit printing and photocopying for a reduction in paper consumption.

Forest preservation

According to rubbish experts at Cheap Dumpster Rental Jackson, reducing your daily waste is not complicated, you just need to adopt a few simple actions and integrate them into your lifestyle for better waste management practices.

In addition to preserving our environment, this eco-responsible gesture has numerous economic and health benefits. So don’t hesitate to put these tips into practice for a more ecological lifestyle!

Mississippi’s forest preservation efforts including efforts by the residents are crucial for maintaining biodiversity and mitigating climate change.

With around 65% of the state covered in forests, governmental conservation measures are very important. Collaborative initiatives among government agencies, NGOs, and local communities like Cheap Dumpster Rental Jackson focus on sustainable logging practices, habitat restoration and wildfire prevention. Such efforts aim to safeguard Mississippi’s rich ecosystems for future generations while providing a healthy environment and economy.

Practical guide for construction professionals dumpster rental in Simpsonville

Simpsonville recycling

The need of renting a dumpster for a construction site in Simpsonville, SC

Renting a dumpster for a construction site in Simpsonville, SC, can be helpful for several reasons.

Hiring a dumpster to dispose of construction waste materials can provide an optimized solution for managing construction debris, including materials like concrete, rubbles, metals, wood, and metal. By having a designated disposal area where the dumpster is siutated, workers of the construction company crew will be able to maintain a safe and organized work environment, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries, and avoiding polluting the local environment.

Proper waste management wil help remain in compliance with local state and county regulations as well as environmental standards, preventing fines and penalties, which you want to avoid. In Simpsonville, where environmental consciousness is taken seriously, responsible waste disposal is recommended. Renting a dumpster will allow all construction projects of any size to operate smoothly while minimizing their impact on the surrounding community and ecosystem

With increasing pollution in America in general and South Carolina in particulr, construction companies must promote a cleaner and more sustainable construction process. That’s where dumpster rental services come into play! and construction professionals in Simpsonville havee discovered how Dumpster HQ Simpsonville makes it easier to manage construction site waste with quick dumpster rental adapted to their needs.

Simpsonville dumpster rental, a key solution for construction sites

When working on a construction site in Dumpster HQ Simpsonville, effective waste management is essential. This waste management company offers a complete range of skips to meet all your needs, with guaranteed delivery within 24 hours.

Choosing the right dumpster size for your construction site in Simpsonville

Each job site is unique and junk disposal comanies understand that. They can help you select the dumpster that perfectly matches the nature and volume of your waste, with options ranging from 10 to 40 yard. And they will recycle whatever is recyclable!

Evaluate the type and quantity of waste to be disposed of

Contact a local garbage disposal company a personalized quote. You can confirm your order over the phone and they will deliver the dumpster to the desired address within 24 hours.

Simplify your waste management

Once loading is complete, they will collect the dumpster and take care of the waste recovery. One project manager on a major renovation project in Simpsonville testified: “Dumpster HQ Simpsonville, I found a quick solution for waste disposal. The 30yd dumpster was on site in less than 24 hours , and their customer service was impeccable from start to finish.”

For your construction sites in Simpsonville, a dumpster rental is the guarantee of a fast, reliable and environmentally friendly service. They can you keep your sites clean and secure. Reserve your dumpster now and make managing your construction site waste easier! And remember this will help with the asustainability of the state of South Carolina.

Recycle Reuse Revitalize Charlestons Waste Makeover

beautiful Charleston

In recent years, the global conversation surrounding waste management has reached a critical juncture, prompting cities worldwide to reevaluate their approach to handling waste. Historical Context Charleston, known for its green surroundings, is no exception!

The SC recycling sector is in difficulty

The economic activity of recycling, and more precisely that of scrap metal, has been faltering since 2014, the year of the collapse in the price of raw materials around the world. According to the South Carolina Recycler’s Association (SCRA), up to 500 jobs are at risk.

In South Carolina, the recycling industry plays a vital role in environmental sustainability and economic growth. With a focus on reducing waste and conserving resources, the state has implemented various initiatives to promote recycling.

The fall in raw material prices directly affects the area of recycling. SCRA warns that South Carolina would lose 10% of its jobs in the sector if the government does not find a solution quickly.

During a press conference, the president of the SCRA revealed that a danger for 500 jobs existed. And, therefore, a restructuring of the sector is possible. He also added that if we remain in the current stagnation, we know that indeed, in the next two or three years, something of this order will happen, indicating that the scrap metal, plastics and textile sectors were involved.

A declining turnover

Recycling facilities across South Carolina process a diverse range of materials, including paper, plastics, glass, and metals, contributing to the circular economy, and reduces the need for dumpster rental services.

Since the collapse in global raw material prices in 2014, manufacturers have been reluctant to invest in recycled raw materials. In fact, they are more expensive. For example, local steel companies are overtaken by significant Chinese exports. Experts announced a loss of value in the market sectors for the 2023 financial year. Turnover fell by 4%, while the volume collected in the waste bin is in increase with 4 million tons.

The efforts of the government of South Carolina not only help to minimize landfill waste but also create employment opportunities and stimulate local businesses.

Return to calm is necessary. Currently, the situation is improving. It is explained by the stability of world prices of raw materials. It compensates for the surge in prices. Indeed, it had an impact on the cash flow of the companies concerned. In this regard, recycling experts declared that when we are in a rapid decline in prices, which was the case for oil, we have difficulty adapting. Whereas when we have permanently low oil or permanently low iron ore, we adapt our prices little by little. We are returning to much lower margins, but we are returning to positive margins.

Nevertheless, new markets in the sector, in particular the recycling of aggregates from construction, are bringing some hope to the waste management industry in South Charleston, in and around Charleston.

Through public education campaigns and infrastructure development, South Carolina can continue to strengthen its commitment to recycling, paving the way for a greener and more prosperous future for all residents and businesses alike.

Charleston’s Environmental Sanitation Issues Waste Management

Charleston landfill

Charleston, with its historic charm and natural beauty, stands as a testament to the delicate balance between urban development and environmental preservation. Amidst the cobblestone streets and antebellum architecture, waste disposal is a priority of the local government.

Waste collection on the coast of South Carolina

Coastal pollution poses a significant challenge in South Carolina, threatening marine ecosystems and coastal communities. South Carolina coastal pollution has numerous consequences on flora, fauna and humans. It disorients marine animals who no longer have a suitable place to lay their eggs. Sewage and other waste flowing into the sea destroys coral reefs and many aquatic species. They degrade the quality of the water, some turtles feeding exclusively on jellyfish confuse them with plastic bags.

Various sources contribute to this pollution, including stormwater runoff, industrial discharge, and marine debris. Animals die from suffocation and some injured aquatic species can be subject to infections due to pollution. Domestic waste flowing into the sea or rivers ends up on beaches due to high tides. Oil activity is also largely responsible for the disappearance of aquatic fauna, causing major damage. Failure to clean beaches causes the destruction of the ecosystem. Contaminants such as plastics, chemicals, and heavy metals endanger wildlife, degrade water quality, and harm the tourism and fishing industries.

Solutions for cleaning beaches and coastlines

The lack of respect for the environment is the result of the visible consequences of the destruction of nature. Efforts to combat coastal pollution should involve rigorous monitoring, cleanup initiatives, and regulations to reduce pollutant discharge. Collectively raising awareness among residents will be essential for the cleanliness of the coastline. The belief that the ocean is the future of man is to take this into account. Beach cleaning must be done naturally from childhood, so that man never forgets this important principle.

Waste collection on the coast of SC must be linked with public institutions, associations and schools so that young and old alike take part. Collaborative partnerships between government agencies, non-profit organizations, and local communities can aim to implement sustainable solutions. Several solutions are possible: launch a campaign against the rejection of plastic bags, decide now to throw your garbage in the dumpster or dumpsters, create a report on the impacts of human pollution and show associations that are working to clean the beaches of several harmful wastes.

Collecting waste on the coast is a task that must be done periodically. In addition, waste bins and trash cans must be placed everywhere around the beaches to facilitate their access to the public. By prioritizing conservation and pollution prevention, South Carolina should and will to protect its coastal environments for future generations.

Charleston’s Green Revolution Against Pollution

Pollution in North Carolina

Charleston, renowned for its rich history and charming Southern hospitality, has embarked on a transformative journey: the Green Revolution Against Pollution. This movement is a testament to the city’s commitment to improving sustainability in the region, and protecting the environment.

How to find out about the types of dumpsters to rent from a professional

Individuals and construction companies in South Carolina who need a dumpster for storing rubble and waste on their sites use local junk disposal services. Residents and professionals who carry out work on a building must find the best skip to throw away their waste. As they cannot leave their rubble on the public highway or throw it away with household waste, using suitable garbage containers is the solution for optimal management of their rubble.

Event organizers and movers also rent skips to throw away their waste and various rubbish. Finally, local authorities and condominiums also rent garbage dumpsters for the collection of waste from their users.

A construction site manager must systematically consider renting one or more rubble skips so that waste collection is carried out under the best conditions. Whether as part of a new construction, a renovation or a demolition, a construction site often generates a few tons of rubble and waste which must be evacuated to specialized centers.

Each type of waste has a suitable skip, so the best option is to rent a rubble skip from a serious, reliable service provider who has all the skips he needs for his activity. Waste management companies offer a wide range of dumpsters with a capacity of between 10 and 40 yards and which it can install anywhere in SC. His team then collects it and ensures its evacuation to the appropriate treatment center.

Choose a dumpster according to the planned task

A lot of waste is produced on construction sites and may require several types of dumpster. In fact, boxes will not be collected with furniture waste, construction materials such as bricks, gravel and wood. It is necessary to ensure that waste is sorted to facilitate its recycling and treatment. The choice of a skip is made based on the work planned, the volume and type of waste.

Dumpsters for transporting rubble

Demolition or renovation work produces waste of all kinds. By renting a rubble skip, workers immediately dump waste collected on the site such as bricks, concrete blocks and gravel. The open and reinforced 30yd skip can be loaded with a crane or a bucket excavator.

Dumpsters for collecting other waste on construction sites

In addition to rubble, other waste can be produced on a construction site. These include, for example, cardboard packaging, scrap metal, scrap aluminum rails, polystyrene, wood, plaster, glass, ceramics, etc. In this case, the contractor can reserve an open skip equipped with two doors that will be opened for the passage of the wheelbarrows which carry them.

The 30yd closed dumpsters are specially designed to receive recyclable waste. They are equipped with hatches to protect waste from bad weather. On the other hand, 40 yard models are recommended for large volume waste such as large household appliances, bathroom equipment, furniture, mattresses, pallets. They have rear doors for easier loading. Despite their volume, these skips are not intended to accommodate rubble or construction materials that are too heavy.

Finally, these services take care of all non-hazardous waste. The skips are therefore not intended for the collection of bitumen products, paint, materials containing asbestos, solvents or motor oils.

Dumpsters for collecting household waste

Household waste collection is an essential logistical operation for local authorities, building managers, condominium managers as well as shopping centers. Junk disposal services provide them with a wide choice of garbage dumpsters intended for the collection of this waste. These solutions are practical, ecological and clean.

Dumpsters for green wood

Pruning work can also produce a significant amount of waste. Allo Bennes Services offers skips into which branches and tree trunks from cutting plants can be dumped.

Compactors to reduce the volume of waste

One-piece or fixed-station compactors are practical for reducing the volume of waste, which optimizes the capacity of the rented skips. Handling compact waste will thus be easier while light materials and dust are compressed and are not likely to fly away. Finally, compaction also reduces the emission of bad odors.

What to do before renting a dumpster

A person who wishes to reserve a dumpster must first determine the container they need: to transport rubble or to collect waste? She must contact the company at least 48 hours before the day of installation of the equipment. It is even advisable to order it 2 to 3 weeks apart, depending on the municipality and prefecture. Certain arrangements must also be made.

For example, it is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient space for parking the skip and for unloading it. A parking permit can be useful if parking on the road. It is worth noting that 20 and 30 yard skips require at least two parking spaces, and that more than 3 parking spaces must be provided for 40 yard models. Finally, the dumpster rental price is calculated based on the type of dumpster, the duration of the rental, the address at which it must be installed and the nature of the load.

Charleston Green A Sustainable Waste Management Revolution

Recycling in Charleston, NC

In the pursuit of a greener and more sustainable future, cities around the world are embracing innovative approaches to waste management. One such pioneering initiative is the Charleston Green Project, which involved a new approach for recycling construction waste.

Why recycle construction waste in Charleston

Considered one of the most promising sectors from an economic point of view, construction in South Carolina is also the sector that generates the most waste. In fact, it generates more than 2 million tons of waste per year. It therefore at the same time causes environmental degradation and presents a health risk for populations. To do this, it is necessary to better manage waste from construction site work. If you are still hesitant about recycling them, find out everything you need to know about it here.

What is the importance of recycling construction waste

Perceived as a sustainable process, waste recycling makes it possible to treat and transform used products into new products. This aims to reduce the volume of waste and preserve natural resources. In the construction sector, this operation is a crucial issue for construction professionals, whether contractors or project owners.

It mainly consists of collecting residue from construction products. These will then be placed in a container and then sent to a recycling center to be recovered. Referred to as selective sorting, recycling in the construction sector aims to transform inert materials into a new product.

A source of benefit for the environment

As you might expect, demolition work, like general construction work, most of the time generates residual materials. These include:

  • insulators
  • rubble
  • asphalts
  • rocks
  • tiles
  • concrete
  • plastic packaging

This waste can be very harmful to the environment. They also represent a real danger for the surrounding world, particularly due to the presence of asbestos and asphalt materials.

In order to limit the harmful consequences of this waste, it is sometimes essential to use a company specializing in recycling. This is an ecological gesture that will not only reduce pollution of the planet, but also make your city and your immediate surroundings cleaner.

A way to give waste a second life

Above all, recycling allows us to transform used materials. In the construction sector, its role is no less. The purpose of recycling construction site waste is to transform it in order to reintroduce it to the market. In this way, many inert wastes are reused in construction works.

This is, for example, the case of cement concrete and bricks which are most often used in the manufacture of backfill and road underlay. Some ferrous metals are also used to create railings, balconies and even fences. Furthermore, in carpentry, the manufacture of windows, doors and stair treads involves the use of worn boards and framing timber.

A good tip for saving money

The destruction of construction waste represents a major environmental issue. However, this is not the only consequence. In fact, the elimination of waste from a construction site can generate colossal costs. In order to reduce them as much as possible, it is preferable to opt for recycling to ensure effective and efficient waste management.

What does the law say about recycling construction site waste

According to the law of South Carolina, it is strictly forbidden to dispose of or incinerate waste from a construction site. Indeed, there are different types of construction waste in inert waste. This category includes:

  • concrete
  • ceramics
  • earth
  • bricks
  • aggregates

These are not biodegradable and do not contaminate other materials. So, it is strongly recommended to recycle this type of residue.

Laws regarding the recycling of construction site waste

The recycling of construction site waste is subject to numerous rules. Thus, each type of waste according to its nature must be directed to the places indicated by law. For example, it is stipulated that producers and holders of construction site waste are legally responsible for their elimination under conditions which will impact neither human health nor the environment.

This regulation therefore requires producers of construction site waste to choose compliant companies that hold prefectural authorizations which will allow them to operate in the recycling and waste recovery sector. Despite these measures, more than 2,000 tons of waste in illegal dumps do not come from unscrupulous companies or individuals.

This state of affairs has a negative impact on the environment. The state authority seeks to remedy this through financial sanctions. The latter provide for a fine of $1,500 in the event of non-recycling. If it concerns professional waste, the amount of the fine can go up to $75,000.

Pollution in Charleston and the Imperative for Change

less pollution in SC

Charleston, the historic gem nestled along the southeastern coast of the United States, has long been revered for its charm, antebellum architecture, and rich cultural heritage. However, pollution is not absent from Charleston and South Carolina in general. It is time to defeat this scourge and the local government is working on it.

A new process to combat chemical water pollution

Ameican scientists are experimenting with a water treatment solution to eradicate chemicals. The new approach could also help eliminate pharmaceutical residues and microplastics.

The University of Charleston has achieved a major breakthrough in water treatment technology by developing a method to remove per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known under the name forever chemicals. Harmful chemicals found in various consumer products and cause considerable environmental and health risks.

What are they coming from

These harmful chemicals have been widely used since the 1940s. They are found in products such as cosmetics, sunscreens, non-stick cookware, stain-resistant products and even firefighting foams. In most cases of contamination, exposure is through food and consumer products, but individuals can also be exposed through drinking water, particularly if they live in areas where water sources are contaminated.

Indeed, due to their persistent nature and resistance to decomposition, they accumulate in the environment and enter water sources, leading to health risks. Among them: cancers, hormonal imbalances or even weakening of the immune system. As concerns grow about long-term effects, the solution could help protect water sources, ensuring access to cleaner, safer water by rendering substances harmless.

Remove contaminants from water

Until now, traditional water treatment methods deployed in homes and industry using activated carbon and ion exchange systems have proven ineffective against these hazardous chemical. To eliminate them, team of researchers designed an adsorbent material capable of trapping and retaining the chemical present in water.

They are then destroyed using a process called electrochemical oxidation. The technique involves applying an electric current to water, which generates highly reactive hydroxyl radicals which have the effect of oxidizing and neutralizing PFAS molecules. In addition to combating hazardous contamination, this new water treatment approach could also help remove other harmful contaminants from water sources, such as pharmaceutical residue and microplastics.

The new process has shown promising results in laboratory testing, successfully removing up to 99.9% of chemical from water samples. Researchers are currently working on scaling the technology. One assistant professor at the School of Engineering highlighted the importance of the breakthrough, saying the technology is a thousand times better than conventional filtration methods.

He also explained that the method developed is more efficient, faster and more cost-effective than existing solutions for the elimination of dangerous chemicals. Our adsorbent media capture up to 99% of particles and can also be regenerated and potentially reused. This means that when we remove chemicals from these materials, we are not left with more highly toxic solid waste that will pose another major environmental challenge.

The Charleston lifestyle a blend of history culture and southern charm

clean Charleston

Nestled along the southeastern coast of the United States, Charleston, South Carolina, stands as a living testament to the intersection of history, culture, and Southern charm. The Charleston lifestyle is unique and very laid back, and benefits from the beautiful local environment.

North Carolina battles rising waters

Despite the millions of dollars poured into fighting rising oceans, the Outer Banks will not resist indefinitely. In September 2003, Hurricane Isabel destroyed dozens of villas.

Vacationers frolicking in the waves near Charleston can barely make out a barge topped with a crane 5 kilometers offshore. A famous seaside resort, Nags Head is located on the Outer Banks, a 100-mile-long strip forming a string of islands off the coast of North Carolina. In the past, these sandbanks with their shifting contours were known as the cemetery of the Atlantic, so many boats sank with them.

It was there that Amerigo Vespucci set foot on the continent to which he would give his name. There also disappeared body and property the first English colony founded in America in 1587. Today, the alignment of wooden houses on stilts on the dune, restaurants and supermarkets sprung up along road number 12 create the illusion of a domesticated environment. Misleading image.

Offshore, the platform digs 15 meters deep to transport 4.6 million cubic meters of sand over 16 km of seafront. The objective is to regain 15 to 40 meters of beach depending on the location. It will cost the town hall some $32 million, but it is the infrastructure and our local taxes of South Carolina that are at stake.

A resort for the wealthy, Nags Head and around fifteen other hamlets are on the front line facing the vagaries of the climate. In September 2003, Hurricane Isabel engulfed dozens of villas, cut the road in several places and opened a new breach in the Banks. Cape Hatteras, to the south, found itself isolated from the world until the government released $7.5 million to fill the inlet.

They are exposed to storms, threatened by the rise of the oceans: the question of climate change arises here in a very real way. In 1999, a US Geological Survey report highlighted the extreme vulnerability of the Outer Banks. Since then, no one has been dissuaded from settling there: the number of permanent residents has increased by 29% and the price of real estate has soared to the point of prohibiting the acquisition of the seaside by the estate audience. It will take more than a few cyclones to make us leave.

Despite their wild appearance, the Outer Banks owe as much to man as to nature. The dune that runs 80 km along the beach was built in the 1930s by the Corps of Civil Engineers to try to stabilize the coast. With each storm, it engulfs road number 12 under tons of sand, immediately put back in place with excavators. Experts criticize this obstinacy: Americans have maintained an attitude of brave conquerors in the face of natural disasters.

They say: no hurricane will chase me from my beach. But the Banks naturally move toward the coast. All our attempts to prevent it further weaken the environment. Because of the sand piled up facing the ocean, the marshes on the other side tend to subside and their ecosystem becomes poorer. In some places, the filament of islands is barely a hundred meters wide. We let Highway Number 12 stop the flow of nature to allow thousands of vacationers to go to their millionaire homes.

With an average elevation of just two meters, the Outer Banks will not withstand rising sea levels indefinitely. It has already been necessary to move the route of the road in several places. In 1999, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was moved more than 3,000 feet inland, a delicate operation that cost nearly $10 million. When it was built in 1870, 500 meters separated it from the sea: an entire stretch of submerged shore, not far from the place where the Wright brothers made their first aircraft flight in 1903.

At the current rate, the The ocean will rise by another 25 cm by 2030 and an additional 150 meters of coastline will disappear. An inexorable movement, which can be spectacularly accentuated by hurricanes. This year, the National Weather Center is reporting 17 tropical storms in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, including 5 category 3 or higher.

We have reached the point where it is inevitable that the United States will join the rest of the world in taking action against global warming. But the primary objective is to reassure vacationers and guarantee the sustainability of its community. As long as the government funds the reconstruction of submerged houses, we areat war with the ocean.

Community conservation grassroots efforts for a greener South Carolina

Green Charleston

In the heart of the Southeastern United States, South Carolina stands as a beacon of natural beauty and biodiversity. From the misty mountains of the Appalachians to the pristine beaches, the state is amazing for the diversity of its nature.

Pollution is increasing in the United States

Two cases in West Virginia reveal the shortcomings of environmental policy. Coal lobby continues to oppose tougher climate change standards. A leaked Freedom Industries tank released more than 38,000 liters of toxic chemicals on January 9 into the Elk River in West Virginia. As a result, some 300,000 people were deprived of water for several days, the precious liquid being polluted with MCHM, a hydrocarbon used to wash coal. To help the population cope with the crisis, thousands of bottles have been distributed.

The response from the state of West Virginia was weak and the company responsible for the disaster remained absent. The pollution has undermined residents’ confidence in their authorities. More than a month after the leak, many residents still refuse to drink tap water despite the ban on drinking it being lifted. For them, the message is all the more confusing as the ban still applies to pregnant women.

And then, on the same day that an official from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the population could bathe and drink tap water, two schools in Charleston, the state capital, decided to close, after detecting the characteristic licorice odor of the offending chemical. A teacher fainted and a student complained of burning eyes.

The confrontation between state officials and the population was exacerbated during public meetings in which officals argued. Although the CDC has judged the concentrations of MCHM in water to be insufficient to cause risks of cancer or fetal malformations, neither science nor the conviction of the authorities seem able to combat the ambient skepticism.

To make matters worse, another ecological disaster occurred not far away. 378,000 liters of coal sludge escaped from a Patriot Coal company reservoir in eastern West Virginia, polluting Fields Creek, a tributary of the Kanawha River. A representative from the Environmental Protection Agency was quick to point out that there was no risk. But such a message is difficult to get across.

These ecological disasters reveal serious shortcomings in regulation, as well as incestuous relations between politicians and the lobby of a coal sector which nevertheless only accounts for 4% of the workforce in this southern state.

West Virginia, which has long profited from its mines, is known for its outspoken opposition to the application of stricter environmental standards. In this regard, she can count on elected officials who take aim at the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), since President Barack Obama made it a muscular instrument of his environmental policy.

Senators are all the more nervous because EPA Director, a tenacious woman not inclined to be impressed by the pack of climate-sceptical conservatives in Congress, is in the process of developing new standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from future coal-fired power plants. However, these installations, twice as polluting as gas power plants, produced more than 37% of electricity in the United States in 2023.

Freedom Industries has always managed to navigate the gaps in federal and local legislation. State services have often passed the buck. West Virginia laws require inspections for production but not storage facilities. Recently a delegation from the House of Representatives went to Charleston to try to calm things down, but also to ask questions that remain unanswered. Although the authorities and services were all represented, the president of Freedom Industries did not see fit to come and testify. However, shortly after the disaster, he rushed to bankrupt his company, thus protecting himself from a legal complaint. He is already preparing to create a new business.

The West Virginia example is not unique. In North Carolina, the third largest pollutant leak in the state occurred at the site of the energy major Duke, in Ashville and Charlotte. The equivalent of 73 Olympic swimming pools of coal ash mixed with contaminated water flowed into the Dan River. Under pressure from the media, the State of North Carolina, which had taken it upon itself to negotiate directly with Duke to ask for meager compensation, had to abandon an agreement deemed scandalous.

To understand the logic, we just need to go back to the 2008 electoral campaign. The state’s governor benefited from a $1.1 million infusion of funds from Duke and his senior officials. Under pressure from the media, the state of North Carolina abandoned an agreement deemed scandalous.