The Charleston lifestyle a blend of history culture and southern charm

clean Charleston

Nestled along the southeastern coast of the United States, Charleston, South Carolina, stands as a living testament to the intersection of history, culture, and Southern charm. The Charleston lifestyle is unique and very laid back, and benefits from the beautiful local environment.

North Carolina battles rising waters

Despite the millions of dollars poured into fighting rising oceans, the Outer Banks will not resist indefinitely. In September 2003, Hurricane Isabel destroyed dozens of villas.

Vacationers frolicking in the waves near Charleston can barely make out a barge topped with a crane 5 kilometers offshore. A famous seaside resort, Nags Head is located on the Outer Banks, a 100-mile-long strip forming a string of islands off the coast of North Carolina. In the past, these sandbanks with their shifting contours were known as the cemetery of the Atlantic, so many boats sank with them.

It was there that Amerigo Vespucci set foot on the continent to which he would give his name. There also disappeared body and property the first English colony founded in America in 1587. Today, the alignment of wooden houses on stilts on the dune, restaurants and supermarkets sprung up along road number 12 create the illusion of a domesticated environment. Misleading image.

Offshore, the platform digs 15 meters deep to transport 4.6 million cubic meters of sand over 16 km of seafront. The objective is to regain 15 to 40 meters of beach depending on the location. It will cost the town hall some $32 million, but it is the infrastructure and our local taxes of South Carolina that are at stake.

A resort for the wealthy, Nags Head and around fifteen other hamlets are on the front line facing the vagaries of the climate. In September 2003, Hurricane Isabel engulfed dozens of villas, cut the road in several places and opened a new breach in the Banks. Cape Hatteras, to the south, found itself isolated from the world until the government released $7.5 million to fill the inlet.

They are exposed to storms, threatened by the rise of the oceans: the question of climate change arises here in a very real way. In 1999, a US Geological Survey report highlighted the extreme vulnerability of the Outer Banks. Since then, no one has been dissuaded from settling there: the number of permanent residents has increased by 29% and the price of real estate has soared to the point of prohibiting the acquisition of the seaside by the estate audience. It will take more than a few cyclones to make us leave.

Despite their wild appearance, the Outer Banks owe as much to man as to nature. The dune that runs 80 km along the beach was built in the 1930s by the Corps of Civil Engineers to try to stabilize the coast. With each storm, it engulfs road number 12 under tons of sand, immediately put back in place with excavators. Experts criticize this obstinacy: Americans have maintained an attitude of brave conquerors in the face of natural disasters.

They say: no hurricane will chase me from my beach. But the Banks naturally move toward the coast. All our attempts to prevent it further weaken the environment. Because of the sand piled up facing the ocean, the marshes on the other side tend to subside and their ecosystem becomes poorer. In some places, the filament of islands is barely a hundred meters wide. We let Highway Number 12 stop the flow of nature to allow thousands of vacationers to go to their millionaire homes.

With an average elevation of just two meters, the Outer Banks will not withstand rising sea levels indefinitely. It has already been necessary to move the route of the road in several places. In 1999, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was moved more than 3,000 feet inland, a delicate operation that cost nearly $10 million. When it was built in 1870, 500 meters separated it from the sea: an entire stretch of submerged shore, not far from the place where the Wright brothers made their first aircraft flight in 1903.

At the current rate, the The ocean will rise by another 25 cm by 2030 and an additional 150 meters of coastline will disappear. An inexorable movement, which can be spectacularly accentuated by hurricanes. This year, the National Weather Center is reporting 17 tropical storms in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, including 5 category 3 or higher.

We have reached the point where it is inevitable that the United States will join the rest of the world in taking action against global warming. But the primary objective is to reassure vacationers and guarantee the sustainability of its community. As long as the government funds the reconstruction of submerged houses, we areat war with the ocean.

Community conservation grassroots efforts for a greener South Carolina

Green Charleston

In the heart of the Southeastern United States, South Carolina stands as a beacon of natural beauty and biodiversity. From the misty mountains of the Appalachians to the pristine beaches, the state is amazing for the diversity of its nature.

Pollution is increasing in the United States

Two cases in West Virginia reveal the shortcomings of environmental policy. Coal lobby continues to oppose tougher climate change standards. A leaked Freedom Industries tank released more than 38,000 liters of toxic chemicals on January 9 into the Elk River in West Virginia. As a result, some 300,000 people were deprived of water for several days, the precious liquid being polluted with MCHM, a hydrocarbon used to wash coal. To help the population cope with the crisis, thousands of bottles have been distributed.

The response from the state of West Virginia was weak and the company responsible for the disaster remained absent. The pollution has undermined residents’ confidence in their authorities. More than a month after the leak, many residents still refuse to drink tap water despite the ban on drinking it being lifted. For them, the message is all the more confusing as the ban still applies to pregnant women.

And then, on the same day that an official from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the population could bathe and drink tap water, two schools in Charleston, the state capital, decided to close, after detecting the characteristic licorice odor of the offending chemical. A teacher fainted and a student complained of burning eyes.

The confrontation between state officials and the population was exacerbated during public meetings in which officals argued. Although the CDC has judged the concentrations of MCHM in water to be insufficient to cause risks of cancer or fetal malformations, neither science nor the conviction of the authorities seem able to combat the ambient skepticism.

To make matters worse, another ecological disaster occurred not far away. 378,000 liters of coal sludge escaped from a Patriot Coal company reservoir in eastern West Virginia, polluting Fields Creek, a tributary of the Kanawha River. A representative from the Environmental Protection Agency was quick to point out that there was no risk. But such a message is difficult to get across.

These ecological disasters reveal serious shortcomings in regulation, as well as incestuous relations between politicians and the lobby of a coal sector which nevertheless only accounts for 4% of the workforce in this southern state.

West Virginia, which has long profited from its mines, is known for its outspoken opposition to the application of stricter environmental standards. In this regard, she can count on elected officials who take aim at the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), since President Barack Obama made it a muscular instrument of his environmental policy.

Senators are all the more nervous because EPA Director, a tenacious woman not inclined to be impressed by the pack of climate-sceptical conservatives in Congress, is in the process of developing new standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from future coal-fired power plants. However, these installations, twice as polluting as gas power plants, produced more than 37% of electricity in the United States in 2023.

Freedom Industries has always managed to navigate the gaps in federal and local legislation. State services have often passed the buck. West Virginia laws require inspections for production but not storage facilities. Recently a delegation from the House of Representatives went to Charleston to try to calm things down, but also to ask questions that remain unanswered. Although the authorities and services were all represented, the president of Freedom Industries did not see fit to come and testify. However, shortly after the disaster, he rushed to bankrupt his company, thus protecting himself from a legal complaint. He is already preparing to create a new business.

The West Virginia example is not unique. In North Carolina, the third largest pollutant leak in the state occurred at the site of the energy major Duke, in Ashville and Charlotte. The equivalent of 73 Olympic swimming pools of coal ash mixed with contaminated water flowed into the Dan River. Under pressure from the media, the State of North Carolina, which had taken it upon itself to negotiate directly with Duke to ask for meager compensation, had to abandon an agreement deemed scandalous.

To understand the logic, we just need to go back to the 2008 electoral campaign. The state’s governor benefited from a $1.1 million infusion of funds from Duke and his senior officials. Under pressure from the media, the state of North Carolina abandoned an agreement deemed scandalous.

Discovering South Carolina’s environmental treasures

waste management in NC

South Carolina, situated in the southeastern region of the United States, is a state celebrated for its diverse and captivating environment. But there are environment issues the state of SC has to deal with!

Urban ecology in Charleston

A major issue of our century, ecology is one of the most recurring themes in the news. Global warming, environmental pollution and the extinction of certain animal species constitute many reasons which should lead us to be vigilant and react.

Urban ecology today makes it possible to bring together the consideration of all environmental issues linked to the city, or its peri-urban environment, through popularization, and with the aim of raising public awareness of environmental issues. It aims to shed light on the latter by integrating them into territorial policies to limit, or remedy, bad environmental impacts. In this case, what do you need to know about this concept?

Where does the concept of urban ecology come from

We often tend to invoke the gardens of Babylon when we talk about urban ecology. In fact, it is the Chicago School which is at the origin of the first current of urban ecology with an approach directly linked to scientific ecology. Urban ecology is then an interdependence between city dwellers and their urban environment. This notion of ecological footprint was established around the world in the 2000s.

What does Urban Ecology mean

Urban ecology is a concept that brings together the ecological issues of urban life, including from the point of view of global change. It defends a transversal approach to all themes linked to the promotion of sustainable lifestyles in urban areas, particularly at the level of transport services, town planning, housing, the fight against pollution, democracy and local economies… In this case, the concept of sustainable cities is better known especially within large cities.

At the American level, networks of sustainable cities have been formed, notably around ICLEI (International Coubcil for Local Environmental Initiatives) where nearly 500 governments, cities or local authorities, engaged in development paths, met in 2006. sustainable. In the differential management experiment, participants tended to understand the links between urban biodiversity and ecological functions, as well as ecosystem services.

What strategy should we adopt for an effective urban ecology

If we refer to South Carolina’s state strategy for biodiversity, the State is committed to respecting six commitments, one of which focuses on the restoration of natural environments and ecological continuities, including the green and blue networks. urban.

This strategy allows it to fight, among other things, against invasive species present in the city. Indeed, this implies that stakeholders must create a green space in their industry, or that they must be strongly involved in the restorative management of nature in the city.

Concerning the link with modes of travel, the urban environment is called upon to use gentle modes of travel so that the ecological footprint is as small as possible. Indeed, for several years, non-motorized modes of transport such as walking, cycling and scooters have been strongly recommended because they have very little impact on the environment.

In the case of vehicles, the use of hybrid, or 100% electric, vehicles allows an individual to reduce carbon emissions and it is by following this concept that the government, as well as certain organizations, offer aid to those who wish to reconvert to this form of sustainable ecological gesture. However, the eras of bicycles, bus stops and other urban structures harm biodiversity because these infrastructure networks should be green spaces within the city of Charleston. In this case, the solution is to favor the use of spaces by promoting the planting of local plants and thus considerably reduce urban pollution, while ensuring better filtration of rainwater.

To conclude, green spaces and the sustainability of plants in cities have significant effects on public health. So, let’s try to dedicate a completely plant-based space to improve our quality of life and that of our planet.